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3 Big Rocks

3 Big Rocks
May 11, 2018 Dan Raimondi

Last Saturday I was fortunate to speak at the NWC Performance Clinic. The other speakers had great insight into everything from reducing injury risk, understanding movement, and nutrition for performance. There were a few themes that repeated themselves that I thought I’d share:

1) Master the fundamentals. Brian St. Pierre of Precision Nutrition hammered this home. If you’re not nailing down the 80% of nutrition that is really important then the details won’t help.

2) Be consistent. Dr. Quinn Henoch had a great talk about reducing injury risk. One area where we see risk go up is after periods of detraining, such as during the rehab process, or after an off season. Be consistent with your training even if you’ve been injured. Find ways to work around the issue to prevent big spikes in your training volume.

3) Context matters. Mike Zweifel talked about training athletes to move and be faster on the field. What normally happens is coaches primarily train them to respond to preplanned stimuli(i.e. cone drills, ladder drills, etc…) The problem is there is no decision making involved, no creativity, no reaction to the situation. Making decisions depends on the context, so set up training to challenge them mentally as well.

These 3 things are broadly applicable. If you understand the context of your situation, are consistent in your training, and have a focus on the fundamentals, you’ll do really well in the long run.